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Event#1: Vivian Terry Emma Crowe & 1 guest9093384534
#2: Yvette and Pepsi Rios9096533314
#3: Alison(and Bob-husband) Schooley818-692-5754
#4: Kathy Brauer9093542603
#5: Terri & Paisley Trembly951-750-8073
#6: Cheryl and Jake Pirih909-499-7948
#7: Gregg Grant Kris Wells & Bette9093381861
#8: Kathy and Sammy Rumin909-585-6686
#9: Debbie and Sage Bervel909-534-3424
#10: Sydney and Cleo Negrette & 1 guest Negrette9094542862
#11: Teri & Bob Wallace1(909) 520-4544
#12: Peggy Wheeler and Wesley9096602786
#13: Brian, Claudette, and Charlie Jacobson9518334418
#14: Chelsea#3, Cheryl & Barry Robinson909-436-8075
#15: Adrienne and Nicky Kassel6233636044
#16: Dawna Dyson Tibbitts760-668-2692
#17: Kathy and Ginger & Steve Haskins9095226433
#18: Becky &Bear &Lester Gremard9098911853
#19: Catherine + David (doing photography) Walker9092108954
#20: Diane Wiltsie and Meelo909 744 0736
#21: Bodie and Kelli Stowells9519776925
#22: Rick Mitchell9094992893
#23: Gail Mitchell9095197298
#24: Rhonda and Jack Cleeland9093280711
#25: Jennifer, Lloyd and Bella Sherman9095565379
#26: Sue Martinez9092414512
#27: Linda & Samson Ollis9092247617
#28: Carola & Mila (plus 2 guests) Thompson909-771-9197
#29: Kristen & Mochi (jplus 3 guests) Paceworth760-780-7701
#30: Liz and Brian Plein9518055023
#31: Kiki & Little (plus 1 guest) Bumanglag909-964-7518
#32: Ingrid Gorter9093627687
#33: Lisa & Diesel (plus 2 guests) Kates951-858-4234