Here’s how we put your Donations to Work!
Inland Empire Therapy Dogs, Inc. (IETD) is an all volunteer therapy dog group which is also a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. We are devoted to bringing the benefits of interacting with well-trained, friendly dogs to people in healthcare, education and community settings in the Inland Empire. Our services are covered by liability insurance and are always provided free of charge.
We provide training to help prospective therapy dog/handler teams succeed. We offer evaluation and certification testing under the auspices of Bright and Beautiful Therapy Dogs, a national therapy dog organization.
Donations will be used to cover the costs of training, including facility rental and equipment. We do not charge for training. It is our belief that once trained and certified, new teams will give back to the community by providing love and comfort with their certified dogs.
We are very active in area hospitals where we visit patients and staff. We donate books and fun activities to the hospitalized patients.
Our dogs also visit elementary schools for special events and participate in the a read program where children improve their reading and communication skills by reading to our dogs. We provide educational materials to the students.
Like any non-profit therapy dog group, IETD incurs administrative costs, such as maintaining our website, office supplies and promotional items.
Donations help cover these costs and allow the group to focus on their mission of providing therapy dog services to those in need.
Thank you for your support!